Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mindless Wonderings

     This is the result of my mind wondering at the supper table while listening to the pointless ramblings of junior theologians. Obviously there was not much being said to produce a meaningful thought in my mind.
     Not to say that my mind is always controlled by the stimuli surrounding it, but sometimes it is relaxing to allow the mind to roam freely when much intelligent thought is not required. This is also not to say that theology does not require intelligent thought. On the contrary, I think that theology requires the highest amount of intelligent thought in order to even think about some of the weighty subjects related to God. It is to say, however, that certain conversations are conversed so frequently that all sides are understood at the onset of the conversation and all there is left to do is let those conversing get what they have to say off their chests.
     It is often pointless; therefore I try not to get too involved. I allow my mind to hear the argument to ensure that nothing has changed, and then resolve to do something a little more relaxing while my mind passively skims the conversation.
     You should try it sometime. It really helps supper time go by a lot more smoothly...